EA acknowledges that players perceive the company differently than its employees

EA acknowledges that players perceive the company differently than its employees

Patrick Soderlund at EA admitted that the hype around Star Wars Battlefront 2 had an impact on the company and its image. EA recently announced changes in the leadership of EA, resulting in Patrick Soderlund, who previously led the studios of EA, was to take the post of senior design Director.

Soderlund explained that the extremely negative reaction to microtransactions and luchbox in SWB2 was the result of mistakes made by EA. And the company must correct them.

the Top management of EA does not want a repeat of the mistakes, and the first steps in preventing this will include work on the practices of monetization, which the publisher will support in future games.

We have taken considerable steps to audit and understand the mechanic around monetization, luchboxes and other things in our games prior to releasing them.

games that will be next Battlefield or Anthem, the players gave us clearly to understand that we can not repeat the same mistakes. And we will not allow this.

Patrick promises to change the fact that gamers don’t like it, he is also aware of the image of the company among the modern audience.

it is clear To us that the players see the company differently than we do. In this situation, as a member of the management team, being the person who manages the studios, I have to take the problem seriously.

let me Remind you that in Battlefront 2 returned microtransactions in a recent patch, but now the game has paid only cosmetic things. Also, the developers have removed the random elements luchboxes so that in case of payment the player will know what gets.


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