EA assured of a good relationship with Disney

EA assured of a good relationship with Disney

last night, EA held a regular financial report, in which announced some news. Sale Battlefront 2 was lower than expected in the coming months, there will come microtransactions, autumn will indeed be a new Battlefield, Anthem will be released in 2018, and the new Star Wars game from Respawn is likely to be released until March 2020.

in addition to the report, the head of EA Andrew Wilson explained the situation with the relationship between EA and Disney. Last year’s rumor, Disney was not happy with the negativity attracted the brand of Star Wars in the light of klusterfuk with microtransactions and lutrogale in Battlefront 2.

But Wilson said that everything is in order.

We should not believe everything you read in the press.

According to him, between EA and Disney has a great relationship and they took an active role in the work on games for Star Wars. Wilson has no doubt that when EA will be confident in creating a suitable model for the players and the community, the lights will get support Disney on the development of the model.

In General, what else can you expect from statements in the financial report? Moreover, that Disney would be quit EA without support. Who knows what lies behind these formal words?


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