EA has not yet decided when to return microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2

EA has not yet decided when to return microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2

almost two weeks in Star Wars Battlefront II is not possible to buy luchbox for real money because of the barrage of criticism and low ratings associated with the presence of microtransactions. Despite the fact that buying in-game currency is not working, EA said that microtransactions will return, although accurate information since then has not appeared.

Following the release of the game in several regions of the world have started investigation of the system of in-game microtransactions and luchboxes as a potential gambling mechanic. The representative of the U.S. state of Hawaii Chris Lee is condemned EA for the fact that she created a “casino-style Star Wars, to entice kids to spend money.”

However, all this does not mean that EA will refuse the return of the system of microtransactions. At the conference Credit Suisse the head of Finance Blake Jorgensen said:

We do not reject the idea of microtransactions.

On the question of whether gamers buy luchbox in Star Wars Battlefront 2 Blake announced that the company haven’t decided yet.

We are watching closely how people play Battlefront 2. We are trying to understand whether certain regimes where microtransactions will be more interesting. What consumers saying about this? As they spend time in the game? Looks like statistics. We study and listen to the community to decide how best to implement this feature.

One of the most obvious solutions to the problem of the negative perception of microtransactions is to introduce more cosmetic things, new races and everything that will not affect gameplay. Given the huge lore of the universe, features a huge number.

this EA understands that in SWB2 you cannot create cosmetic microtransactions, which can disrupt the feel of the universe.


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