Star Wars Battlefront 2 will receive two cards during the war the Rebels with the Empire

Star Wars Battlefront 2 will receive two cards during the war the Rebels with the Empire

In the next update Star Wars Battlefront 2 DICE decided to move away from the clone Wars and focus on other important era of Star Wars, namely the war between the rebels and the Empire. Since February, the game will receive not only the two droids the BB as playable characters, but two cards: Skarif and the Death Star 2.

Skarif first appeared in the first part of the Battlefront, when the car went “Rogue. One.” This is the planet that was attacked by the rebels to steal the plans for the first Death Star. She first debuts as a map for co-op, and then for superiority.

“Full excellence” discard prefix “full” with the additions, because the new maps will not be able to go to the ship at the end. It is difficult to imagine how from the Death Star, the rebels are flying to another ship, and Skarif guarded by a special force field.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 was released November 17, 2017 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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