The hottest games 2017

The hottest games 2017 called ten of the most talked about games in 2017. According to the authoritative site, the widest game was Overwatch. The second line of the rating took Destiny 2. In third place was fixed Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


  • Overwatch — 56 362 references
  • the

  • Destiny 2 — 50 866 references
  • the

  • Zelda: Breath of the Wild — 36 886 references
  • the

  • Mass Effect: Andromeda — 32 143 references
  • Pokemon Go 31 766 references

  • Star Wars Battlefront II — 29 506 references
  • on the Horizon: Zero Dawn — 27 567 references

  • Injustice 2 — 25 939 references
  • the

  • Final Fantasy XV — 25 659 references
  • the

  • Minecraft — 25 001 references
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